• Framed Art Works

    Our framed art prints are printed on recycled uncoated speckled art paper and framed with eco-friendly wood. Unique decor pieces for any space.

  • Mounted Art Prints

    The perfect affordable decoration for any home, office or restaurant. Ready to frame, our mounted art prints are printed on recycled art paper.

  • Limited Edition Collection

    Our limited edition fine art collection encompasses a wide array of vintage Maps, Prints, Photographs and Posters, by history’s most celebrated Map and Print makers.

  • Posters

    Our posters are the perfect take away gift or souvenir. They come in a branded tube and are printed on recycled art paper.

  • Greeting Cards

    Our greeting cards are printed on recycled uncoated speckled art paper and are being sold per 6, which you can pick yourself!

  • Authentic Antiques

    Original antique collection of maps, prints, photographs and posters, some over 500 years old! Browse our 8500 plus collection.

In collaboration with Indies Gallery - Authentic Maps & Prints

Our primary profession at Indies Gallery is dealing with authentic antique maps and prints, some over 500 years old! But for years, people have marvelled over our original material, asking if we could make them at a fraction of the cost of the originals.

Eventually, we gave in and "Old East Indies - Heritage Art Collection" was born, the website you are now visiting.

About Indies Gallery - Antique Maps & Prints,

Indies Gallery buys and sells antique maps, prints, books and photographs, dating from the fifteenth to the twentieth century. With over 25 years of experience in collecting and trading, their total inventory includes over 9000 authentic antiques. Whether you're an experienced collector or a first-time buyer, Indies Gallery offers an extensive collection in all price ranges.

Browse the original antique collection in the link below.